
On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 1:42 AM, Daniel Ruggeri <drugg...@primary.net> wrote:
> ...Here are some of the ideas I have in mind for things to cover:..

I used to teach in engineering schools, including lots of open source
related stuff - here are a few ideas that might help, mostly resonates
with your list:

Use open source tools in class and design exercises that help students
understand that they can tweak and morph that stuff at will.

Encourage students to collaborate in open source projects for their
diploma and other school projects. That one was hard, few students had
the guts to jump in.

Interview fellow open source folks using videoconference in class,
about what they're doing in their work etc, this was fantastic.

Create a workshop class where students work in small groups to
discover an open source tool and prepare a presentation for their
colleagues including concrete examples. Each group works on a
different tool, and run this in guerilla mode, don't care about nice
slides etc. but only focus on the actual content that's being
delivered, and strictly timebox the exercise. Deliverable consists of
a source code repository, and only that. This was lots of fun as well
and the students loved it.

In my experience students didn't care much about licenses and open
source vs. proprietary legal/business aspects, what made them tick was
realizing that they can be active actors in open source as opposed to
just being told what to do with some software. And discovering the
open source way of collaborating.

Hope this helps! I'm not teaching regularly anymore these days but
those are fond memories!


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