On 14 May 2015 at 23:38, Hervé BOUTEMY <herve.bout...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I seriously updated content:
> - *every* TLP is listed, even when no DOAP file has been written [1]
> - TLP project can be displayed, even without DOAP and provide link to every
> sub-project [2]
> - when a TLP has a "main sub-project" with its DOAP file, data from TLP and
> data from DOAP subproject are clearly separate [3]

The URLs [1] [2] [3] use the same namespace for PMCs and projects as
well as generic queries.
This may cause name clashes in future - e.g. a PMC called "numbers"
would clash with the "numbers" view of the data.
It would be better to use distinct namespaces for distinct types of item.

> This makes more clear what DOAP is used for (and why we need projects hand-
> writing some data, but not everything)
> I didn't update target doap urls [4] since I don't know what precisely to do:
> copy doap files that were processed, in appropriate directory, and with
> consistent filename than generated json?

What are the target DOAP files used for?
Where do they originate?

> Feedback expected :)
> Regards,
> Hervé
> [1] https://projects-new.apache.org/projects.html?pmc
> [2] https://projects-new.apache.org/project.html?commons
> [3] https://projects-new.apache.org/project.html?ant
> [4] https://projects-new.apache.org/doap/

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