Le samedi 16 mai 2015 00:36:03 sebb a écrit :
> On 15 May 2015 at 22:08, Hervé BOUTEMY <herve.bout...@free.fr> wrote:
> > Le vendredi 15 mai 2015 14:02:52 sebb a écrit :
> >> On 14 May 2015 at 23:38, Hervé BOUTEMY <herve.bout...@free.fr> wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> > 
> >> > I seriously updated content:
> >> > - *every* TLP is listed, even when no DOAP file has been written [1]
> >> > - TLP project can be displayed, even without DOAP and provide link to
> >> > every
> >> > sub-project [2]
> >> > - when a TLP has a "main sub-project" with its DOAP file, data from TLP
> >> > and
> >> > data from DOAP subproject are clearly separate [3]
> >> 
> >> The URLs [1] [2] [3] use the same namespace for PMCs and projects as
> >> well as generic queries.
> >> This may cause name clashes in future - e.g. a PMC called "numbers"
> >> would clash with the "numbers" view of the data.
> > 
> > not exactly: [1] is project*s*.html while the 2 others are project.html
> > so no clash between projects listing type and project/PMC
> Ah, OK, I'd not noticed the subtle difference.
> However there is still a potential name clash: the Ant PMC is not the
> same as the Ant project produced by the Ant PMC.
yes, even if Ant is one of the few committees that explicitely makes a 
difference between the committee and the project even if they share the same  

> >> It would be better to use distinct namespaces for distinct types of item.
> > 
> > I don't think a clash between a PMC and a project can happen: if they have
> > the same id, it should be TLP's PMC, isn't it?
> No, they are not the same thing.
> A project is not a PMC, though they may have the same name.
> A PMC is a group of people;
question: are committers a second group of people attached to a PMC? To me, 
that's the case, even if some projects have their own committers list (like 
incubator projects, or I suppose the lucene-* or hive-hcatalog or xmlgraphics-
fop & xmlgraphics-batik LDAP groups representing projects that didn't write 
DOAP file)
see http://people.apache.org/committers-by-project.html

I suppose we could display the difference when some projects have their own 
committers list that is different from the TLP's committers list

> a project is a software artifact.
that's the classical way IT people talk, even if that's not the way business 
people talk: I think this is a cause for major misunderstandings between devs 
and business, but that's a larger problem than ASF's internals we're working 
on :)

what is confusing, IMHO, is that we tell that a TLP == a PMC
and a PMC != projects
then a TLP != project: which in full words is "a Top Level Project is not a 
project": confusing

I'll create committee.html to display PMC (or "TLP") information and let 
projects link to the committee: that should be easy to do and revert if we're 
not happy with the result

notice that https://projects-new.apache.org/projects.html?pmc is confusing 
with this definition in place: TLP (ie PMC with our definition) icons are 
displayed against projects
If not too risky, I'll update this part too when trying committee.html

one good thing with committee.html is that we'll be able to display special 

> >> > This makes more clear what DOAP is used for (and why we need projects
> >> > hand-
> >> > writing some data, but not everything)
> >> > 
> >> > I didn't update target doap urls [4] since I don't know what precisely
> >> > to
> >> > do: copy doap files that were processed, in appropriate directory, and
> >> > with consistent filename than generated json?
> >> 
> >> What are the target DOAP files used for?
> > 
> > I don't know: I coded what I understood from discussion with Sergio
> > Fernández But I admit I don't really know if this is a good idea or not
> > 
> >> Where do they originate?
> > 
> > {tlp-id}/pmc.rdf is generated with info parsed from committee-info.txt by
> > http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/comdev/projects.apache.org/scripts/import/par
> > secommittees.py?view=markup (with the help of
> > http://www.apache.org/#projects-list scraped info for short description)
> > 
> > And the idea behind rdf copy was just to copy files in a uniform location
> > from
> > https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/infrastructure/site-tools/trunk/projects
> > /files.xml to ease DOAP finding just an idea
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Hervé
> > 
> >> > Feedback expected :)
> >> > 
> >> > Regards,
> >> > 
> >> > Hervé
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > [1] https://projects-new.apache.org/projects.html?pmc
> >> > 
> >> > [2] https://projects-new.apache.org/project.html?commons
> >> > 
> >> > [3] https://projects-new.apache.org/project.html?ant
> >> > 
> >> > [4] https://projects-new.apache.org/doap/

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