On 02/08/2016 07:40 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:
> This is great, but...
> The success of something like this is not in the tool, it's in the content.

Very true - if nobody's using it, it doesn't matter if it exists or not.

> I worry that by requiring projects to enter the data separately to their 
> chosen issue tracker we are reducing the chances of this succeeding (and it 
> deserves to succeed as a tool). Furthermore, when it comes around to GSoC 
> projects across the foundation already mark tasks as "mentor". 

The reasoning here was, that short of implementing 50 new components as
obligatory components in every single JIRA (which would take oodles of
time), we don't really have a way of uniformly conforming to a simple
way of seeing which tasks are out there, and even then, getting the word
out is tricky. Telling someone to "go look at JIRA" can be quite
off-putting if you're not exactly an expert in navigating it.
Furthermore, I'm not aware of any short'n'simple way of taking
integrating that on the project web sites, short of putting a LOT of
stress on JIRA (and thus slowing down all web sites).

So we thought of a way to enable projects to all do this the same way,
thereby making it possible for someone to find something across all
projects, or for projects to implement it on their web sites regardless
of what those are comprised of. The widget is something I'm very pleased
with, as projects can choose to show what THEY want done, but also what
any other project would like to see done, in a concise manner.

> I hear the concern that some projects use Bugzilla, but the majority use Jira.
> Can we do imports from Jira, filtered by the "mentor" label?

It could, yes - we'd just write an import script for it. Possible add to
it so it could auto-close issues as well. But it would require projects
to write their mentoring tasks using a specific syntax, or it wouldn't
be able to convert it to the simple format HW uses.

If someone can come up with a syntax to use, I would be willing to write
a parser for it that adds a HW task pointing to that JIRA.

The way I see it, HW is only a primer, and JIRA/BZ or the ML is where
the actual discussion would happen. This isn't going to turn into some
big tool with user logins etc, I would keep this very very simple as an
aggregator of multiple sources as well as keep the current option of
manually entering something into the system.


With regards,

> Ross

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