Yes that's probably a good improvement. My one concern is that one
shouldn't have to be a technical expert in the project to do this work, so
careful wording is necessary.


On Fri, Feb 9, 2024, 20:49 Phil Steitz <> wrote:

> Thanks, Rich.  I think we have been headed in this direction for some time
> now and something like this is needed.  Many thanks for coming up with a
> concrete proposal.
> I have one suggestion for improvement, which is in part a problem
> statement.  Instead of just subscribing to the private@ list, I would
> suggest that Sharpeners also subscribe to and even engage primarily on the
> dev@ list.  The problem statement part of this is that having influence
> "behind the curtain" of privacy runs counter to transparency, especially if
> that influence is on how the project is run.  It's been a while since I
> have been on the board, but I remember often pointing to discussions on
> private lists that should be public. I don't think its a good idea to have
> general discussion about how things are done in a project on private lists
> and having the Sharpeners engage exclusively there might encourage more of
> that.  I think its a best practice to post draft board reports to dev lists
> and relay board feedback there.  I know a lot of projects do that.  That
> way, the community understands the thought process and can lead whatever
> change is needed, rather than being surprised by it.   When I look back on
> successful "sharpenings" in the past, the real work generally happened on
> the project lists, with only very sensitive or individual people-related
> things being worked out on private lists.
> It might be a good idea to look at some historical examples and tease out a
> little more what exactly "sharpening" is going to be.  If it is primarily
> (re-)education or community transformation, that really does need to be
> public and community-based.  If its more admin / legal / policy compliance,
> that fits with the private engagement of the PMC model.
> Phil
> On Fri, Feb 9, 2024 at 6:55 AM Rich Bowen <> wrote:
> > Ok, this one probably requires a LOT of discussion, but it’s something
> > I’ve been thinking about for more than a year, so if some of this seems
> > like I’ve already wordsmithed it, that’s why.
> >
> > Projects go through the Incubator, learn how to Apache, and then they
> move
> > on. The membership changes. The mission changes. The world changes around
> > them. And the lessons of the Incubator are often forgotten, or deemed
> > unimportant to the changed circumstances.
> >
> > This Working Group provides a mechanism for ASF Members to assist the
> > board in advising projects. (See the FAQ, “Why a member?” before
> objecting
> > to this. I am very firm on this point, and I believe that the board will
> be
> > too, if asked.
> >
> > I want to STRENUOUSLY encourage you to read the entire proposal before
> > responding, because I have foreseen a number of objections to this, most
> of
> > which go under the heading of “who are YOU to tell US what to do?!” I am
> > very cognizant of this. ComDev is a PEER to other projects, not in a
> > position of authority. That said, every member is responsible, to a
> certain
> > degree, for the direction the entire Foundation takes.
> >
> > I believe that this effort, if successful, could be hugely influential in
> > the trajectory of the ASF in the coming years. I believe that this is, at
> > heart, the primary mission of ComDev. I feel very strongly about the
> > importance of this working group. I will be glad to hold forth at greater
> > length over beer and/or scotch, at the next event facilitated by
> wg-social.
> > ;-)
> >
> > Anyways, please read
> >
> > and then think a little bit and then let me know what you think.
> >
> > Proposal also included below for convenience.
> >
> >
> >
> > # Sharpeners Work Group (Proposed)
> >
> > To provide "Sharpeners" - volunteers who come alongside a PMC to offer
> > an outsider's perspective on the project, and advice to build their
> > community.
> >
> > ## Who
> >
> > A Sharpener must be an ASF member. They are preferably a member who has
> > been around a while, and has some reason to be trusted as a mentor. You
> > must not already be a member of the PMC. You must not have any
> > adversarial reason to take on the role - a bone to pick, a corporate
> > entanglement, or whatever.
> >
> > ## What
> >
> > A Sharpener will subscribe to the project's PMC list
> > ( and mostly listen. They will comment
> > constructively when they see something that may be improved. They will
> > report concerns back to the board, via <private> sections in the ComDev
> > report, under a new "Workgroups" section that will be created for this
> > purpose.
> >
> > ## Values
> >
> > Interactions by Sharpeners are at the pleasure of the PMC. You do not
> > have any authority over the PMC.
> >
> > ### Declinable
> >
> > The PMC must be allowed to say "no thank you" without providing any
> > reason, and you must respect that decision, and not offer again unless
> > invited.
> >
> > ### Transparent
> >
> > When you subscribe to the private@ list, you MUST introduce yourself and
> > state your purpose, complete with a link to THIS document. You MUST tell
> > the PMC when you intend to report something back to either ComDev or the
> > Board.
> >
> > We will also track, here, in this repository, which Sharpener is
> > observing which project.
> >
> > ### Non-adversarial
> >
> > All feedback must be a polite, positive, actionable suggestion, not
> > merely a criticism or a "you're doing it wrong." You must suggest what
> > the PMC should do, providing links to policy or best practice documents
> > where applicable. Simply criticising is not welcome.
> >
> > If you cannot operate in this fashion, then this role isn't for you.
> >
> > ### Confidential
> >
> > (No, this isn't a contradiction to Transparent. Different audiences.)
> >
> > All communications on private@ mailing lists are confidential. Sharing
> > information you learned on those lists to anyone outside of the
> > membership of the ASF is a severe breach of trust.
> >
> > Do not ever cross-post between private lists with disjoint audiences. In
> > general, this means don't forward content from a private list to anyone
> > who is not an ASF member.
> >
> > All reports on Sharpener activity must be in <private> sections, unless
> > you have coordinated with the PMC to include it in *their* report.
> >
> > ### Collegial
> >
> > You are a colleague - a peer. You are not in a position of authority.
> > You cannot tell the PMC what to do. You are only an observer, and, at
> > the indulgence of the PMC, advisor. Do not abuse this relationship.
> >
> > ## FAQ
> >
> > ### Why "Sharpener"
> >
> > Because I wanted an "sh" word, to go along with Shepherds and Shadows,
> > which I'll be writing about elsewhere.
> >
> > "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."
> >
> > ### Why a member?
> >
> > A Sharpener must be an ASF member. This is because doing this job
> > requires access to a projects private@ PMC mailing list. All ASF members
> > already have this access.
> >
> > Furthermore, an ASF member has already earned trust in the context of
> > the ASF. Trust is transitive - that is, you may not know all members
> > personally, but each member was nominated and elected by people that
> > you, in turn, nominated and elected.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > —
> > Rich Bowen
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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