In google doc form:

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Andrew Grieve <> wrote:

> Cordova repositories have three main branches:
> 1. stable
> 2. next
> 3. dev
> Topic branches also exist for collaborating on features, or for
> code-review purposes.
> There is *no* master branch, so that community-driven pull requests will
> be forced to think about which branch to request against.
> 1. The "stable" branch.
>  - Sits at the latest stable release of cordova
>  - This changes only when doing fast-forward merges from "next"
> 2. The "next" branch.
>  - This branch is used only when in the process of doing a release.
>   - All tags (both stable and RC) are done on this branch.
>  - All release-candidate bug-fixes are done on this branch.
> 3. The "dev" branch.
>   - This is where non-release-candidate commits are done
>   - This is where topic-branches are merged into.
> Cutting a release:
> 1. git checkout next && git merge --ff-only dev
> 2. Test test test!
> 3. Fix bugs by committing them directly to "next" and then doing a non-ff
> merge of next into dev
> 4. Tag release candidate
> 5. Repeat steps 2-4 as necessary
> 6. Tag the release
> 7. Create distribution .zip file
> 8. Test one last time using the dist files
> 9. git checkout stable && git merge --ff-only next

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