ya sorry guys, will get to that as a part of the notes sometime in the
next few days.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 3:23 PM, Anis KADRI <anis.ka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to wait for Brian to post his notes but I believe that we have
> come to a consensus on this with our git workflow discussion. In general, I
> believe that not documenting broken APIs is worse than just breaking them.
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Joe Bowser <bows...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey
>> When we first set up the deprecation policy, we did it because we
>> didn't anticipate that we would create massive breakage with Cordova.
>> Unfortunately as we get closer to 3.0, it seems clear that we agreed
>> on a policy that isn't allowing us to develop as fast as we would
>> like.  For example, we had to wait six months to remove old history
>> code that we could have safely removed three months ago when it was
>> clear that maintaining our own history was not the right way to work
>> around issues.
>> So, I propose that we change the deprecation policy from six months to
>> the past three releases.  Since we release once a month at most, this
>> will allow us to update the software without having the overhead that
>> we currently have with the current policy.  Point releases (i.e.
>> 2.5.1) would not count as a release under this policy, it would have
>> to be a minor release (i.e. 2.5.0) or a major release (3.0).
>> Any thoughts on this?
>> Joe

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