On May 19, 2010, at 2:17 PM, Randall Leeds wrote:

> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 13:06, Filipe David Manana <fdman...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Answers bellow
>> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 8:35 PM, Adam Kocoloski <kocol...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> 3) Is the checkpoint ID generation algorithm backwards-compatible?  Or
>>> will users who upgrade restart all replications from scratch?
>> Well, the checkpoint IDs will be "_local/" + repDocId. So, they are
>> basically user generated. Checkpoints will still remain in the source and
>> target DBs (I don't write them to the _replicator DB).
> So if I create a _replicator doc with an ID corresponding to an
> old-style replication ID it'll use the same checkpoints?
> I can't remember, is it possible to change the doc_id with an _update
> handler? I haven't looked at your code yet to see what paths it takes,
> but if it's an erlang handler in the .ini I'm sure we could hack this.
> Basically, I'm thinking to make _replicator a lot like the _replicate
> from an API standpoint. Disable PUT but have POST to _replicator
> create the doc with the rep id as we used to calculate it.
> In fact, why name it _replicator at all??? We already have a POST to
> _replicate that returns the id. This API looks a lot like the document
> API, we just create a gen_server instead of a document. But if we're
> careful couldn't we transparently turn the _replicate endpoint into
> the _replicator DB under the hood and users don't even have to know
> the difference (unless they need/want to)?
> -Randall

[retry after a delivery failure from gmail. maybe something is up with Apache 

The main goals as I see them are:

1) replications continue even when the server restarts
2) it is easy to write replication manager couchapps

I think having the standard database API for these documents (even if it is 
admin only) will be a good way to allow people to use the existing toolkit to 
query and create replications.

Of course it'd be nice to be backwards compatible with the existing replication 


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