Noah Slater wrote:
On 16 Aug 2010, at 21:26, Miles Fidelman wrote:

My reply would be to state that the Web subsumes the Internet in many ways.

My reply would be that I sure hope not.  The trend toward pushing lower level 
functionality on top of application layer protocols really breaks a lot of the 
resiliency and flexibility that comes from layering.
Oops, my bad. You are right of course. I meant to illustrate that the Web is 
built on top of things, huge things. Like the Internet, and the telephone 
networks, or anything else you can shove TCP/IP over. I guess I think of it as 
being bigger than them because of that, if not technically, then conceptually. 
I'm very probably biased though.
I'm probably biased too - though in the other direction.

For what its worth, I tend to think in terms of subsets. Web traffic is a subset of IP traffic, email is another subset, XMPP (twitter) traffic is another, VoIP is another. The superset is more complex than any of the subsets.

I used to like pointing out that email traffic dwarfs web traffic - not (for a long time) in terms of bandwidth, but in terms of individual transactions (particularly these days - just think of the spam that accumulates while reading one web page). These days, though, video and VoIP dwarf both web and email in bandwidth, and I expect that tweets and SMS messages dwarf email in terms of message counts. (Come to think of it, a twitter channel might make a nice vehicle for Couch replication. :-)

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In<fnord>  practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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