Randall Leeds wrote:
There is no reason I see why HTTP is not a valid transport for a DHT nor any
reason why it is not possible to gossip over HTTP. I think it's confusing
the issue to blame HTTP for any problem Couch has with distribution.

Enlighten me if I'm wrong, of course.
I guess that's a fair point. The thing is, though that the problem has a lot more to do with routing than transport. Something has to keep track of which nodes are up/down, as well as lowest-cost paths for moving data along.

The extreme cases are:

1. hub-and-spokes: every change ripples through a central node - no routing to worry about, but not very robust

2. point-to-point replication, where everything eventually gets to where it's going: problems are that large networks require manual configuration of lots of pairwise links, and things get brittle if the wrong link goes down

Elements of something a bit more reliable and requiring less (no) manual configuration:

3. multi-cast or broadcast protocols: send an update into the ether, everyone gets it - but... works for stuff like streaming voice or video, where a lost packet doesn't matter; doesn't work for transactions, where you need an acknowledge-and-retransmit mechanism to make sure that data eventually gets everywhere (though there are some experimental reliable multicast protocols floating around)

4. a protocol/data replication mechanism that includes some kind of self-tuning routing mechanism - examples include: UUCP, DHTs, etc.

There have been some of these built on top of HTTP, but the purist in me really dislikes violating layering.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In<fnord>  practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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