On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 10:34 AM,  <roger.moff...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just to come back to your user mindset argument. I would argue that the
>> people we really need to convince ARE the developers. Because the
>> developers are the people who pick the tooling. And if CouchDB/apps do not
>> look attractive, they will be ignored.
> I'd just like to jump in and echo this. I'm the architect for a number of
> commercial projects and will often be the person specifying the datastore
> technology. I'm happy to see the progress that has been made with 1.2 in
> recent months as this makes it viable for me to continue to advocate
> CouchDB as a perfect backend for mobile projects in particular.
> But.
> When it comes to datastores for a backend API, the landscape is different.
> For years my tooling of choice would have been mod_perl and MySQL, but Perl
> has become fragmented and less relevant and is generally perceived as old
> technology with a long list of deficiencies.
> The driver for change has therefore been the backend development language,
> not the database per se.
> I'm finding now that Scala is a superb choice for replacing Perl for
> reasons that aren't at all relevant to this discussion, but what is highly
> relevant is that the choice of language can often drive the choice of
> database depending on what is best supported.
> With Scala, and particularly when using the popular Play! framework, that
> seems to mean Mongo - for example if you search the play site for CouchDB,
> you'll get zero results, whereas with Mongo ...
> http://scala.playframework.org/documentation/2.0.3/Modules
> And so I find myself doing new projects with Scala and Mongo ...
> The detail of this isn't important, but I guess what I'm saying is that
> it's probably more important now for the CouchDB team to focus on
> advocating a great solution than it is to add new features to it. Building,
> maintaining and promoting some great client libraries for emerging stacks
> like Scala / Play would not be the worst place to start.
> I know that actions speak louder than words though, and to that end I will
> be finishing my presentations on why Couch is such a great fit for mobile
> and will be happy to contribute that to the project if it is in anyway
> useful.
> Great to see the group active with passion!
> Roger

Nothing stop people to write cliens in scala. Imo that not the role of
a server to also propose clients to access to it. We already have one
of the easiest transport and API available (HTTP) . If none have
written one in scala that maybe just because no scala users are using
us or did the job to promote its lib.

Personnaly before that I would dream to have a cool page presenting
languages like redis.io does :


It would help a lot. As a side note I find the redis website a lot
more useful than ours for the beginner or the guy that is just looking
for a link ;) The wiki doesn't replace that .

- benoƮt

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