On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 10:25 PM, Ryan Ramage <ryan.ram...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) We have to decide on the directory structure. Based on what benoit
> and dale have brought up. I have opinions, along with others. Lets not
> rattle sabres around this  yet. But pick something relatively user
> friendly, and straightforward. This can be actioned in our weekly irc.

Would it make sense to have the directory structure be something that
isn't couchapp specific, and instead dump/load *entire databases*
to/from disk?  I could see that actually making it a simpler tool,
since there would be a natural tendency to resist a bunch of
special-case handling for corner cases, ease of use, etc.  Instead,
you'd end up with a directory full of:


Then the various couchapp tools could focus on various workflows to
make creating the simple structure and calling the default DB load

I'm not a couchapp user, so feel free to discard this idea if it
doesn't make sense or if it doesn't gain any traction.


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