+1 for Grunt.

I don't quite understand this general aversion against build tools based on
On Nov 1, 2012 12:02 PM, "Simon Metson" <si...@cloudant.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> > Just to explicit my point of view. In erica there is a coming feature
> call
> > hooks that can be applied at any step on the process. In parallel, before
> > sending the doc the json will b e put in the .erica/build folder :
> >
> > .erica/build/appYYYYMMDD folder (or version if specified) , so any
> > transformation can be applied on it.
> >
> > Since we are working on a version of erica that could be integrated in
> > couch I think it worth to work with it for the next futon. And while we
> are
> > here improve erica to fit your needs.
> >
> FWIW I wrote exactly this for situp (the couchapp tool I did a while
> back). I quickly came to the conclusion that pushing data to CouchDB was by
> far the smaller part of the process and grunt did the rest better. I had
> pre/post processors that let me call out to external apps to build
> markdown, lint js, minify js, compile less, minify css, build docco docs
> etc. which all ended up being calls to grunt. The fact that you can push an
> app into CouchDB from grunt made situp somewhat irrelevant.
> I know erica has more features than situp (e.g. the web based app builder
> gui) but I still prefer grunt+bbb for three reasons:
>  1. it does all the build/compile/test/lint stuff today, and is very well
> tested and documented
>  2. it's community is much larger than ours (e.g. its the build tool of
> jquery)
>  3. it enforces some "best practice"
> All that said, if erica develops the same (or similar) feature set
> (notably being able to push "CouchApps defined in a json file" as well as
> "CouchApps defined in the file system") then I don't see a reason to not
> use it. I have no particularly strong attachment to grunt, it's just seems
> to currently be the best tool for the job.
> Cheers
> Simon

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