
On Thursday, 1 November 2012 at 11:35, Alexander Shorin wrote:

> Because it's additional semi justified dependencies and whole project
> goes far away from couchapp concept, imho.

I don't think it does. In fact I'd say it emphasises the flexibility of couch 
apps and how they play nicely with other tools ("hey look, you can use this 
database with the toolset I'm used to from jquery").
> If Erica will be bundled tool out of CouchDB box, better to dance around him.

I'd rather use something that exists today and evaluate erica when it is 
included with CouchDB and has the necessary feature set in the future. 

With grunt we can get consistent build environments, with erica we'd either 
have people installing tools (linters, less compiler, minify-ers etc) 
manually/ad-hoc, have to rely on something like npm (and if we're doing that, 
why not use grunt?) or build it ourselves (eurgh!). 


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