On 11/01/2012 03:28 AM, Simon Metson wrote:
Haven't run it yet, but the structure looks pretty good.

The key decisions so far seem to be:
- build with grunt
- backbone
- require.js (yes?)

And I take no issue with any of those.
Great! Garren has a change to the deployment script (to make it pushable as a 
couchapp - he beat me to it!), and some modules that wouldn't be priority for 
us (since they're for features Cloudant don't have).

Russell and I have some developer documentation to write and an example module 
or two by the end of next week. We'll keep pushing into this fork.

Do people agree that this is a good foundation to build on? If so how do folk 
want to proceed? Should we create a PR to couch or is it too early just now?

well, if futon is designed to just be a great front end - then use of "outside" libs like grunt, less, are up to the contributors - though even this makes building basic couch package (assuming it includes futon) from source more complicated since it adds extra library dependencies

but, if futon is designed to be a model / example / template for couchapp then it's not a good idea to deviate from standard css and requiring stuff like nodejs, backbone, ...

I hear some say tools like less, sass, ..... are cleaner, more elegant, more productive, but I have yet to see or even feel any real improvement versus the cost of introducing another layer of syntax. KISS is well known for a reason.

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