On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Benoit Chesneau <bchesn...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> hum I would remove any node dependency if we can. What be grunt used for
> ? Can't these thing be added in erica for ex?
Just to explicit my point of view. In erica there is a coming feature call
hooks that can be  applied at any step on the process. In parallel, before
sending the doc the json will b e put in the .erica/build folder :

.erica/build/appYYYYMMDD folder  (or version if specified) , so any
transformation can be applied on it.

Since we are working on a version of erica that could be integrated in
couch I think it worth to work with it for the next futon. And while we are
here improve erica to fit your needs.

- benoƮt

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