I understand your apprehension, however, the primary ways of minifying
javascript these days is with a javascript lib, or with a java lib.

It should be noted that the node.js dependency is strictly as a build
tool, and not actually required for building couchdb. We could make it
an optional dependency, and just have a default compiled version in
the codebase at all times, allowing you to skip the node.js dependency
if you just want the standard configuration. For a vanilla couchdb
install, there shouldn't actually be any changes necessary to the
compiled app, so this could be a reasonable approach.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 4:49 AM, Robert Newson <rnew...@apache.org> wrote:
> Needing node.js to build couchdb? I hate that.
> On 1 November 2012 11:46, Simon Metson <si...@cloudant.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thursday, 1 November 2012 at 11:35, Alexander Shorin wrote:
>> > Because it's additional semi justified dependencies and whole project
>> > goes far away from couchapp concept, imho.
>> I don't think it does. In fact I'd say it emphasises the flexibility of
>> couch apps and how they play nicely with other tools ("hey look, you can
>> use this database with the toolset I'm used to from jquery").
>> > If Erica will be bundled tool out of CouchDB box, better to dance around
>> him.
>> I'd rather use something that exists today and evaluate erica when it is
>> included with CouchDB and has the necessary feature set in the future.
>> With grunt we can get consistent build environments, with erica we'd
>> either have people installing tools (linters, less compiler, minify-ers
>> etc) manually/ad-hoc, have to rely on something like npm (and if we're
>> doing that, why not use grunt?) or build it ourselves (eurgh!).
>> Cheers
>> Simon

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