The 3.2 release was slated to be release end of this month (Jun 21).
Since I volunteered to be the RM for this release, just like the past releases, 
I was planning to create a branch/tag next week from trunk and dev can continue.
Feel free to take a look at any outstanding Jira issues [1] that you may want 
to be included in this release.

Major changes include:
CTAKES-197        Upgrade cTAKES to Java 7
CTAKES-292        Integrate YTEX with cTAKES
CTAKES-82          Add ctakes-temporal module (Time and Event Annotator + 
DocTimeRel Property only?)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Masanz, James J. [mailto:masanz.ja...@mayo.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 9:34 PM
> To: 'dev@ctakes.apache.org'
> Subject: RE: Apache cTAKES 3.2 Release?
> +1 to naming it 3.2
> I'll review my JIRA items this week.
> -- James
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pei Chen [mailto:chen...@apache.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 10:14 AM
> To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
> Subject: Apache cTAKES 3.2 Release?
> Hi,
> I think there are a lot of items slated for the next release, I suggest we 
> make
> it 3.2 instead of another patch release.
> I can volunteer to be the RM unless someone would like to take that up...
> Main Changes pending for 3.2:
> CTAKES-197        Upgrade cTAKES to Java 7
> CTAKES-292        Integrate YTEX with cTAKES
> CTAKES-82          Add ctakes-temporal module (Time and Event Annotator +
> DocTimeRel Property only?)
> CTAKES-275        some of the older junit tests don't have the right
> Project name in the run configurations
> CTAKES-268        Fix SentenceDetector training with updated OpenNLP API
> CTAKES-162        Command line scripts leave the user back one directory
> CTAKES-241        NullPointerException in ctakes-assertion
> CTAKES-288        Severity not set for DiseaseDisorderMention
> CTAKES-239        Medication Modifiers do not have the offsets populated
> CTAKES-94          refactoring assertion module to use a cleartk-based
> analysis engine (and include evaluation)
> CTAKES-232        change concept type
> CTAKES-76          get third party dependencies into Maven Central
> CTAKES-138        Remove 3rd party jars from our SVN
> CTAKES-74          Tokenizer PennTreeBank breaks with certain apostrophes
> in tokens.
> CTAKES-225        Common Type System - Add field to save preferredText in
> Segment
> CTAKES-222        FirstTokenPermLookupInitializerImpl to suppot arraylist
> of DictionaryLookupWindows
> CTAKES-213        ModifierExtractorAnnotator should produce XxxxModifier
> subtypes
> Full List:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CTAKES-
> 288?jql=project%20%3D%20CTAKES%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%203.2%
> 20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC%2C%20priority%20DESC%2C%20create
> d%20ASC

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