Dan Morgan wrote:

> First, I apologize if this email is directed to the wrong place or
> people.
> I'm working with the pre-2.0 beta version of the database. I really
> love  the entire OOo environment.
> What can anyone do to speed up or help with the database reporting
> side of  the the project. I'm pretty good with Crystal Reports, but
> I'm not a  programmer. Has anyone looked into getting a "widget"
> written for Crystal  Reports that would allow it to read the OOo
> database files?
> Could the mailmerge code of Writer be expanded or changed to allow 
> database reporting?
> I'll keep checking the site to see if any of my skills are worthy to
> be  donated in the project.
> Thanx,
I've been working on a PDF Report Writer, named PDF::ReportWriter, for a
while now. It's written in Perl. I'm not sure whether that makes it
unsuitable for OO or not. I would say that this isn't a problem, but
that's just me. PDF::ReportWriter is a part of an umbrella project, Axis
Not Evil, which is a suit of open-source, cross-platform Perl modules
that combine to provide an alternative to a /'leading'/ software
vendor's RAD design tool for database access. ie it's competition for
OpenOffice's database module. Not to worry though ... I think we're
targetting different people with different needs. If people are
interested in somehow including PDF::ReportWriter in OpenOffice, then
that's fine by me, particularly if it means more people adding more
features :)

Anyway, I've just done a release a couple of minutes ago. Check out:
http://entropy.homelinux.org/axis_not_evil/ and click on either the
'Reports' link at the top, or the 'PDF::ReportWriter' link in the middle
of the main page. There is a very small demo app on the download page
which produces the output on the 'screenshots' page.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au

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