Le jeudi 04 août 2005 à 09:34 +1000, Daniel Kasak a écrit :

Hi Daniel,

> Another option would be to rewrite PDF::ReportWriter in ( God forbid )
> OOBasic or Java or something. Note that I'm not exactly offering to do
> this port - I find detest OOBasic. But PDF::ReportWriter is weighing in
> at only < 700 lines of code, and I use a lot of whitespace in my code,
> so I'm sure people who have an affinity for OOBasic / Java / whatever
> could port it relatively easily ... assuming OOo's PDF rendering support
> is up to it. Does anyone here know would to script OOo's PDF output
> thingy? 

Probably those who have an in depth knowledge of the framework API,
since AFAIK the PDF rendering has to first go through the stage of
constructing an OOo document. This means that if you were to use OOo
Basic to port PDF::ReportWriter, you would have to translate the
functions to their equivalents in a Writer / Calc / Impress document
(probably I guess with Writer, since it has more advanced formatting
options, although a Draw document might work). Then you could use the
relevant API to convert to PDF, although I'm pretty certain at the
moment that the attributes, properties and methods to do this are far
less replete than with other PDF generation modules available in other
scripting / programming languages (e.g. PHP, Perl, Python etc). Not that
I know anything about it in detail mind you.  

> One of the invaluable features of PDF::API2 is the ability to
> track *exactly* where you are on the page as well as the *exact* size of
> text you are about to render, allowing you to do things like break to
> the next page at the right time. Can you do this in OOo? This is
> obviously required.

Yes, you can do this in OOo with OOo Basic, but it sometimes has
unpleasant visual side effects, like making the cursor, and therefore
the screen rendering, jump around the document. If you want an example
of a PDF renderer written in OOoBasic that integrated more features than
is currently available in the 1.1.x branch (the 2.0 branch does improve
things), then you could look at the ExtendedPDF at

> Who knows how to script OOo's PDF abilities?

Unfortunately, not I :-(


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