Hi Daniel,

> I really don't know how you'd approach it from the OOo side of things.
> Since PDF::ReportWriter requires complex items to be passed into it (
> structures that describe fields, groups, and the data array itself ), I
> suppose the easiest ( and dodgiest ) way of approaching it would be to
> construct a temporary file in the format of a Perl data structure, and
> then add support to PDF::ReportWriter for loading the report definition
> and data from these files. Along the same theme, I suppose I could add
> support to PDF::ReportWriter for loading a report definition and data
> from a database.

I suppose as long as there's no UNO binding for perl, passing the report
definition in an external medium - be it a file or a database - is the
way to go.
The difficult thing might be the data access. Not sure if we would
really want to transport all those data via a file. But everything else
would again require access in Perl to OOo's database drivers -> UNO binding.

> It's also highly likely that there are better approaches around. It's up
> to people here to discuss whether it's worthwhile pursuing
> PDF::ReportWriter option or not.

Let me mention an alternative way:

You might have seen Majid Ali Khan on this list recently - he's
currently developing an OASIS export filter for Jasper Reports
(http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net), a widely used open source report
generator. Such an export, together with a way to deliver OOo database
data to Jasper, would also provide a (basic) reporting solution.
Providing the data here would be easier, since Java *has* an UNO binding.

> As you say, OOo doesn't include a Perl
> distribution, so I suppose there's a hurdle to get over before you
> start. Of course OOo already relies on Java for the database module
> anyway, so IMHO all the arguments for this ( relying on Java ) also
> apply to Perl.

Well, I think Perl would even be less problematic from the "religious"
point of view, since the usual "But Java is not really free"-arguments
would not apply to Perl, /me thinks.

> so I'm sure people who have an affinity for OOBasic / Java / whatever
> could port it relatively easily ... assuming OOo's PDF rendering support
> is up to it.

OOo does not support direct rendering. Instead, you can print documents
on an "PDF device". So, as Alex mentioned, we would need to create a OOo
document first. Would have the additional advantage that people can do
fine-tuning to the document, before exporting it to PDF or printing it,
on a level which is not possible by editing the mere report definition.

> I assume you want a GUI report designer ... somebody else can do that
> :)

That, of course, is a topic of its very own ...

However, coming back to the above-mentioned alternative way: Jasper
Report also has an UI designer for creating report definitions ....


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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