On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 22:43 +0200, Andreas Saeger wrote:
> Dinbandhu wrote:
> > On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 18:23 +0200, Andreas Saeger wrote:
> >> Swarup,
> >> Please notice the P.S. at the bottom before you continue.
> > 
> > I've got success. The database is created, it has all the correct data
> > in it, and it is fully editable.
> > 
> > Using the guidelines you've given in this current letter about how to
> > set up the "Date" field in the spread sheet and get all the dates to
> > copy over in the ISO format, it all worked. 
> > 
> > There is one slight problem I do have, which I can manage with but which
> > should be able to be fixed. I tried having the wizard set up its own
> > primary key. But after finishing all the field parameters etc in the
> > wizard and giving it the order to "create table", it gave an error:
> > "java.lang.NullPointerException". Any idea why? 
> Sorry, no idea.
> And having given that
> > error, when I clicked on "ok", then that was the end. That is, it didn't
> > even create the table. So I tried it again, this time without having the
> > wizard create a primary key. And without a primary key, it created the
> > whole table just fine. Then I went to the table's contextual "edit" and
> > made my "ID" field the primary key. And it worked. The table opens and
> > is fully editable. The only question that remains is that, the primary
> > key does not auto-add when I make a new row at the bottom of the table.
> > It should auto-generate a new number, but it is not doing that. I have
> > to type it in myself. --But that is the only problem. So how do I make
> > the primary key autogenerate a new number when I start a new row in the
> > table? If I can understand how to do that, then this whole work will be
> > complete.
> > 
> > Many thanks for all your help,
> > Swarup
> > 
> Call the edit view of the table and select the field in question. At the
> bottom you can choose "Auto Value" = Yes.

I did that, and when I clicked on "save" to close the edit view of the
table, I received a warning message: 

"Warning! The column "ID" could not be changed. Should the column
instead be deleted and the new format appended?"

So should I click "yes"? I don't mind if it deletes my current "ID"
column if it creates another and populates the column. But I have some
rather large tables to do after this one, and want to make sure I'm not
going to lose anything by doing this.

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