Hi Ocke,

> - how about just call dropObject at the views

Calling dropObject at the views results in a SQL exception since the
view is already dropped in the database. I just tried to catch the
exception and ignore it to see what happens, but calling that didn't
solve the actual problem.

> - or forbid that a table which is referenced in a vew can not be
> deleted :-)

This is possible, but unfortunately my project lead isn't happy with
this solution as it doesn't reflect the standard behavior of the
database. Working on that ;)

I have still one more question ;) I began the development using Windows
and now tried to compile the driver for Linux, which gave me some linker
problems. As said before the driver is derived from your MySQL driver,
but there are also some classes in the driver inherited from the OO JDBC
driver, which for the implementation of autoincrement columns. (I know
it's nasty, but I don't see a chance to change it.)

To get the symbols for the linker under Windows I just added the
jdbc.lib to the SHL1STDLIBS in the makefile, which works fine for
linking, but under Linux putting -ljdbc2 doesn't work. The linker
generates a lot of undefined symbol errors for the symbols from the
libjdbc2.so. I have also tried to add it to SHL1LIBS instead, but this
gives results in multiple definitions of component_getFactory and
component_getImplementationEnvironement. Any ideas?

Best reagards,

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