Hi Ocke,

> Which classes you are talking about? The best way is to get rid of the
> dependency of JDBC.

I need a specialized ResultSetMetaData class for the driver, but to
integrate this class I also need to inherit the Driver, Connection,
PreparedStatement and ResulSet classes to make sure that my class is
used instead of the original one.

This is all to enable AutoValues. Base must get the information which
column is an AutoValue. Ingres doesn't know AutoValues but it knows
Sequnces which may be used for AutoValues. To detect that a certain
column is an AutoValue column the database is queried for the default
value of the column, which must be generated by a sequence in case of an
AutoValue column. This query is realized in the inherited class.

> You can't link against JDBC that simple. I would prefer that you
> isolate the classes you need and move them into dbtools (that's the
> commontools folder) In that way both can share it and we don't have
> duplicate (bad) code ;-)

I will try to move the classes. Strange that it works on Windows, but
not Linux.

Best regards,

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