On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 21:46 +0200, Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems
Germany wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> > So, in short: I think before going for any non-ODF-compliant extensions
> > to the file format, I think you guys should drive the proposal, until
> > the point where it either has been accepted, or rejected.
> Does your silence mean

Glad you're using checkboxes and not radio buttons. :-)

> [ ] you decided to go with the non-ODF-compliant extension, anyway

Yes, for now, for several reasons.

1. We'd like to get this "out there" as it's a problem for many people.

2. I lack imagination.  More specifically, given what little I know
about why the original proposal was rejected -- (a) the semantics
of //form:radio/@form:name would change in a non-backward compatible
manner, as all radio buttons would no longer have the same //@form:name
value; (b) //@form:name is exposed as THE way for the scripting
infrastructure to manipulate controls "by name,"; and (c) (a) and (b)
are effectively mutually exclusive in my mind -- I didn't see any way to

My current understanding is that we have a mutual incompatibilities here
within the ODF spec, and don't see an adequate solution for ODF 1.x (for
the limited knowledge I have).

> [ ] you are too busy currently, but will try to resurrect the proposal
>     as soon as possible

Last week was ITO, so I've been ignoring most OpenOffice-related emails.
(I probably shouldn't do that...)

That said, this is the first email on the topic in ~20 days, so I don't
think this mailing list has been missing my input on anything...

> [ ] you do not care anymore

I do care, but...

> [ ] other:

I'm a clueless noob.  More specifically, I'm not exactly sure where to

As eluded to above, I think any form of harmonization here is going to
need to take place within the context of ODF 2.0 (or any version that
can break/alter semantic backward compatibility), so that we can get a
consistent and workable picture of scripting (what attribute holds the
control name?) and radio button grouping (what attribute holds the group
name, and it better not be the same attribute that holds the scripting
name, which is the situation for ODF 1.3).

So, as a clueless noob, where do I begin?  What meetings do I need to
attend?  From which groups (I suspect more than one will be involved)?
When do they meet?  etc., etc.

My apologies.

 - Jon

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