Hi Jonathan,

> 2. I lack imagination.  More specifically, given what little I know
> about why the original proposal was rejected

Let me repeat it: It was not rejected. Florian ended the discussion with
open issues, and there was never a decision about the proposal. That's
the statement I got from the chair of the TC, and I believe it.

So, let me repeat my suggestion:
>> So, in short: I think before going for any non-ODF-compliant
>> extensions to the file format, I think you guys should drive the
>> proposal, until the point where it either has been accepted, or
>> rejected.

I cannot make it any more clear than this: Just go for it. It has not
been rejected, the discussion was ended prematurely.

> I'm a clueless noob.  More specifically, I'm not exactly sure where to
> begin.
> As eluded to above, I think any form of harmonization here is going to
> need to take place within the context of ODF 2.0 (or any version that
> can break/alter semantic backward compatibility), so that we can get a
> consistent and workable picture of scripting (what attribute holds the
> control name?) and radio button grouping (what attribute holds the group
> name, and it better not be the same attribute that holds the scripting
> name, which is the situation for ODF 1.3).

As I tried to outline, I think this would be the next step (a difficult
one, I agree), needed only when the proposal is actually really
rejected. Which must not necessarily happen.

> So, as a clueless noob, where do I begin?  What meetings do I need to
> attend?  From which groups (I suspect more than one will be involved)?
> When do they meet?  etc., etc.

I do not know whether you are actually a TC member, or only Florian. My
suggestion: Whoever of you is the TC member: Re-submit the proposal,
after rephrasing it, removing the (wrong) claim that grouping is
impossible, removing the (wrong) claim that the feature is necessary for
accessibility, instead focusing on a) the need to have a means to define
grouping without interfering with the form:name attribute (whose
real-life usage in scripting environments makes its alone usage as group
indicator difficult) and b) the need to cope with a feature present in a
certain competing office application.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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