
Found a work around:

I now passes the "password" to the password property

  oDB = CreateUnoService("")
  oDB.GetByName("mysql_native").password = "mypassword"

and the databrowser opens  silently with the data init.

but please (if you find two seconds) check if i did something wrong when using the activeconnection


  Frank ,

Are you sure you didn' tryed with user/password before you tryed the activeconnection, because OO remembers the connection made by user/password ?

"stays empty"? If you pass an ActiveConnection to the DSB, then it stays
empty, if you don't pass it, then it asks for user/password, and
properly displays your table? Did I get this right?"

yes thats wath happens, with table or SQL statement i do not tryed a query

Irun on windows , OOO320m17 (3.2.1), Connector 1.0.0

tryed connection Pooling ON and OFF, no difference

The code who works but is asking for User and pasdword:

     Dim aProps(7) as New
     aProps(0).Name = "DataSourceName"
aProps(0).Value = "mysql_native" ' deze "naam" moet dus GEREGISTREERD ZIJN als Database in OO
     aProps(1).Name = "CommandType"
     aProps(1).Value = 0
     aProps(2).Name = "Command"
     aprops(2).value = "pmgdbase.mag_news_export"

The code who do not works :

     oDB = CreateUnoService("")
oConn = oDB.GetByName("mysql_native").GetConnection("user","password")
  '      xray oconn
     Dim aProps(7) as New
     aProps(0).Name = "ActiveConnection"
     aProps(0).Value = oconn
     aProps(1).Name = "CommandType"
     aProps(1).Value = 0 ' 0 = tabel , 1 = query , 2 = SQL statement
     aProps(2).Name = "Command"
     aprops(2).value = "pmgdbase.mag_news_export

Is there something wrong with the way is pass te oConn object ?? (when xraying everithings seems to be ok)



Wath i already tryed en yet again tryed

       oDB = CreateUnoService("")
       oConn =

       Dim aProps(7) as New
       aProps(0).Name = "ActiveConnection"
       aProps(0).Value = oconn

but the browser stays empty ! ( i tryed with  table and sql Statement)
"stays empty"? If you pass an ActiveConnection to the DSB, then it stays
empty, if you don't pass it, then it asks for user/password, and
properly displays your table? Did I get this right?

maybe you did wath i already found out:

- worked from a opened Basedoc ?
no Base doc open at all, I did this from within a Writer doc.

- you tryed first the code with datasourceName and made the connection
manualy and then changed he code to activeconnection ?
Used the same code as you wrote above.

i trye to connect to a MySQL datasource using the Native Connector
/me too.


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