Hi Frank, *,

On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 10:54:19AM +0200, Frank Peters wrote:
> >[...]
> >My own feeling is that it would be better, if at all possible, to set up 
> >a system that would automatically alert the EN doc project when a new 
> >document is produced in one of the native lang doc sub-projects, and 
> >vice-versa. Asking someone to trawl through the repositories is too time 
> >intensive, and depends on that person being around and being in a 
> >position to judge whether the document in question is of interest to 
> I agree on that one. We should have a common market place
> or announcement mechanism for docs.

I'll throw in my "lack of document management system" again :-)

Manually maintaining a list of documentation in different languages is a
very tough job. Maybe it will work for a couple of month, then the
maintainer will get sick of it and it will just sit there...

> >[...] At the moment, very few of us on the French n-l lists use IZ 
> >for documentation work, simply because the interface is in English and 
> >it is clunky, we prefer to use the Docs&Files directories that each 
> Do the IZists know about that?

IZ is bad for documentation work, since it doesn't offer a way to mark
attachments as obsolete. You cannot delete or replace attachments
It is OK for uploading complete docs, but not working on different
revisions. Docs&Files is much better in this regard (you can replace or
remove files, you can add a "lock" on the file and other things) - as
Alex described.

> [...] 
> I guess docs doesn't need to use all processes that development
> engineering uses. We have different requirements so that's probably
> fine. BTW: Where can I read about the Docs&Files system?

Just visit the "Documents & Files" section:
then the Help-Box in the left part of the page will show a link "Learn
more about document and files" :-)

Or just play with it...

> [...]

NP: Metallica - Fight Fire With Fire

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