Well, the feedback I had from my users was highly critical when we
first switched to OOo 1.1.x, and understandably so. Things have been
much improved IMHO with version 2.x, but only last week, one of my
members of staff said they typed in a word (I don't remember which
one now) in the search index and nothing came out of it. When I
showed them where to find the things they were looking for, they
turned to me and said, "how many people do you know like me who
would've typed in the keywords you just entered ?" All of this being
with respect to the French version of course. To be honest, I had to
concede defeat on this point. I was

Yes, 1.1.x help had its problems. For some time now, our plan was
to move to concise instructional application help and leave
background information and concepts to guides outside the help.

There are some major challenges, though (probably truisms
for professional help writers):

Who do we write for?
  How detailed should the instructions be? We have an *extremely*
  diverse audience, how can we serve all? *Should* we serve all?
  How do we decide that?

Learn the user's language
  Finding the "right" index terms, i.e. the terms the user looks for
  which may as well be technically "wrong" terms, is an art mastered
  by few. And without feedback it's hard to learn these terms. We have
  one writer, Martina, working on indexing a great deal of her time
  and she did an excellent job already. But it's a truly sysiphean

  We once thought about implementing some sort of automatic feedback
  mechanism that collects the search terms entered by a user and reports
  it back so we see what the users look for but there are data
  privacy issues connnected to that (that I understand, btw).

  If you have any ideas how we can get this type of feedback,
  we'd be happy to learn.

  This is a tough one. Of course, index entries are *very* specific
  to the language (and even the cultural environment). So simply
  translating the index entries that we specify for English will
  not be enough. Yet this is what is done mostly. The help format
  deliberately allows localizers to add and remove index entries
  for their language. They are completely free in assigning their
  own set of index entries for their language. But this would require
  an indexer's job. So the usefulness of the index depends on the
  localization quality (much more than the content does).

Search engine
  This is an engineering issue. There is nothing more to say to
  the (full text) search engine than: it sucks. I also have been
  bugging development for years now to change that and it looks
  like it's on their radar again and we will have a working
  search engine in OOo3.

Yes, the positive feedback rarely gets mentioned  :-)  Maybe one way
around this would be to divide the help up into basic and advanced
tasks. Of course, we would still be faced with the problem of
deciding what goes where  :-( , but we could in that case maybe

IMO it's a bad thing to let the user who seeks help categorize
the type or level of help (s)he is seeking. I am trying to convince
engineering to switch from Writer to a state-of-the-art rendering
engine (like gecko) as help rendering engine so we could use some
neat DHTML/CSS magic to complement basic instructions with more
detailed instructions when the users demands it.


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