Just out of curiousity, what happens regarding licensing of the wiki if
someone dies?

You would no longer be able to ask for permission to relicense.

Is there no way at all of clarifying all the licenses under one license?
It seems odd to me, because it seems that people have made the rules.
Why can't people remove the rules or change the rules?  Why is it that
when we make rules as humans, we let them run us instead of us running
Last night I felt it important to read one paragraph before falling
asleep. From Stephen R Covey "The 8th Habit", I read this: (Pg. 81)

You realize that vision and values must be shared before people will be
willing to accept the institutionalized discipline of structures and
systems that embody those shared values. Such shared vision creates
discipline and order without demanding them.

He also says slightly before that paragraph... "that a worthy end can
never be accomplished with an unworthy means."

We all know this. If we go into something with the wrong reasons for
doing something, it will often not work out. Those reasons with which we
begin something are the backbone of what we do. If those reasons are not
aligned with the ultimate goal, then we will fail in reaching the
ultimate in a way which will determine the ongoing success of that goal.

People will naturally accept discipline and order in a structured system
if there is a shared vision which explains the necessity of that order.
Otherwise people will resent and rebel against that structure.

Societies across this planet require a common vision which will drive us
to change the way we relate to ourselves and the world around us. This
goal will not be achieved by imposing discipline, but by developing a
vision which draws everyone in for the common good.

Einstein said that "Problems can never be solved at the same level of
thinking at which they were created". The problems we have in this world
are human problems with human solutions. We are in process of changing
our way of thinking to reach a new level of thinking allowing us to find
new solutions to problems which have existed for centuries. Change the
mind, change the world.

Like anything however, without a vision we will not succeed. If you do
not believe it is possible, you are right. If you know it is possible
and this is the vision you give to others, then they too will know it is
possible. The vision must be for the common person. It cannot come from
government or corporate structures. When the common person has a vision
for a new world and knows it can be achieved, the force for change will
become unstoppable. Governments will change, corporations will cease to
exist. A new society will rise to serve the vision of the common person.
Change will no longer be held back by institutionalized structures with
vested power and financial issues. Power will reside in the hands of the
common person and in the vision we share with each other.


Andreas Mantke wrote:
Hi Alan, *,

Am Donnerstag 01 Oktober 2009 10:24:09 schrieb Alan:
Let's simplify.

We want something with no ambiguities.

Move over everything under a new license.

One addendum.  Anyone who doesn't agree with the new move and/or license
is free to withdraw their material.

Provide a deadline for withdrawing material.  State this clearly.

you need an agreement of the author / creator to change the license. If he doesn't agree, the current license doesn't change.

If no one withdraws by the deadline then automatic permission to use the
material under new license is granted.


This will automatically remove any ambiguities.


It appears to me that it is very important that ambiguity is completely

If you want to remove that ambiguity, you have to create a second instance of the wiki for content under the new license (get there all content in, for which the authors / creators agree with the new license).


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