Clearly, not everything need be or can be developed at Felix, but the implication that we might as well accept that Felix bundles will only be used by Felix users seems awfully counter to all of the concepts for which OSGi stands.

I'd totally agree here.

Whilst most Felix member use the project bundles with Felix, I doubt any set out to make them only work on Felix. If there are any that happen to not work on other OSGi frameworks, then I'd agree Richard's idea of a cross matrix might be helpful to highlight these.

I haven't done so in a while, but under the Oscar days we regularly used to try Oscar bundles and our own bundle set on other OSGi platforms, just to see if we'd created any incompatibilities. I don't recall many situations where we had, and we certainly try and stick to "straight/vanilla OSGi services and bundles" where we can. That's one reason I've always been reluctant to see the Felix Http Service "adorned" or extended with features beyond the standard. I can see how beneficial such extensions are, but they then mean bundles and applications using the extended services couldn't easily swap to an alternate "standard" Http Service. It's a challenge to "lock-down" Jetty so we get the best of it's optimised Http handling without some of the features that aren't part of the OSGi spec, but I believe it's a worthwhile one.

-- Rob

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