Dieter Wimberger wrote:
Richard, Felix:

I think that the ICLA I signed and sent to the Apache Foundation Secretary cleary states the legal terms of the contribution.

Given paragraph 2. Grant of Copyright License, I am granting the Apache Foundation and all recipients of the software distributed by the Foundation an irrevocable right to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the contribution.

In legal terms, to my understanding, I will still be owner of my original contribution and can do as I please with it (e.g. grant another license).

Now, given that the contribution is mainly code, I would simply suggest that my @author tag in the javadoc of the corresponding files and derivatives is retained. The code and especially derivatives should actually be placed under Apache License and ASF copyright; I guess this is also what you do with the committers code contributions, or?

I was told that at Apache we don't keep @author tags in the code, since the code belongs to the community. There are also pragmatic issues with this, since there are often lots of authors and over time the original code can be removed and/or replaced, so it is somewhat difficult to maintain.

From a maintenance standpoint alone, I would like to avoid @author tags.

Beside the code, I think a list of contributors and committers seems to be the best way to give credits; this is also the way it has been done in other Apache projects I have contributed to.

To give an example, the commons-collections project seems to keep their developers (= comitters) and contributors in the POM file, using a section like:
   <name>Felix Meschberger</name>
    <name>Dieter Wimberger</name>

Probably this is the best way to handle this in the right place and be able to generate something from it (opposed to an unstructured NOTICE text file).

I agree that something like this would be a preferred approach.

-> richard


On 20 Aug 2008, at 09:21, Richard S. Hall wrote:

Felix Meschberger wrote:

Richard S. Hall schrieb:
Regarding the NOTICE file, I don't think we want the "originally developed" stuff in there. That was the whole point of the IP clearance, so that this can be claimed to be Apache software. To acknowledge Deiter, we should use one of the other approaches that I mentioned in my other email message.

In other projects we also have this "originally developed" signature in the NOTICE files for code we imported into the respective project. Of course the official part is done by the IP clearance, but I think we should still state that the original code came from the outside.

I disagree here, because it potentially gives reason for concern about who actually "owns" the code. Since Dieter contributed the code to Apache, it is now Apache code so it should be listed as such. The NOTICE file, in my view, is not the place to try to give credit to contributors since there are lot of potential contributors to all code contained in a release. We have certainly not done this in any other NOTICE file. Perhaps we can get some more opinions.

The other approaches are listing Dieter on the contributors page (something I should have anyway) and listing the original code authors on the sub project documentation page. I will do this.

The NOTICE file also says that it includes OSGi software, but I don't think it does.

Right. Removed that section on including OSGi software.

I notice here that we also list the copyright year for the OSGi software, do we really need to do that? It is a maintenance pain if we do because we will need to change it every time we update the OSGi software, like we are going to do now that we are using R4.1 API. (This comment is for all subprojects, not just the remote shell.)

The discussion on putting years or not is almost as long as the naming discussions ;-) If I remember correctly one common consensus is, that is not strictly required to put copyright years but having them is still worth it ;-)

As this issue also touches all our other projects, I would say, I keep the years here and we will fix all projects once we reach consensus.

For simplicity, I say remove it. What do others think?

-> richard


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