Seems fine to me

- R

Richard S. Hall wrote:
After reviewing the latest framework and HTTP Service releases, I realize that pretty much all of our projects both "include" and "use" Apache developed software (if nothing else, all projects depend on Maven to build). It seems silly to list Apache under both "include" and "use", especially since the main point of the NOTICE file is for third-party notices.

I want to propose that we change our NOTICE file template to factor out the Apache notice at the top and only use the remaining sections for third-party notices; for example, here is a new NOTICE file for framework:

    Apache Felix Framework
    Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation

    This project was developed at the Apache Software Foundation
    ( and may have dependencies on other
    Apache projects licensed under Apache License 2.0.

    I. Included Third-Party Software

    This product includes software developed at
    The OSGi Alliance (
    Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2000, 2009).
    Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

    II. Used Third-Party Software

    This product uses software developed at
    The OSGi Alliance (
    Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2000, 2009).
    Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

    This product uses software developed at
    The Codehaus (
    Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

    III. Overall License Summary
    - Apache License 2.0

To be clear, the new boilerplate would be:

    Apache Felix AAA
    Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation

    This software was developed at the Apache Software Foundation
    ( and may have dependencies on other
    Apache software licensed under Apache License 2.0.

    I. Included Third-Party Software


    II. Used Third-Party Software


    III. Overall License Summary
    - Apache License 2.0
    - DDD

Where BBB and CCC would only reference third-party dependencies and DDD would list their licenses.

What do you think?

-> richard

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