On 10/12/09 15:46, Felix Meschberger wrote:

Richard S. Hall schrieb:
On 10/12/09 15:17, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Richard S.
Hall<he...@ungoverned.org>   wrote:

...reading the issue Bertrand references it is not clear. From my point
of view the overall issue to decide is:

   1. Two-file approach, one for legal requirements and one for
   2. One-file approach for both.

I prefer (2) if this is possible....

See also http://markmail.org/message/cxwtnuys65c7hs2y - we had a
similar discussion in Sling a while ago, and the way I read it Roy
clearly states that 1) is the way to go - NOTICE should only be used
for *required* attribution notices.

http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#notice also says "the
remainder of the NOTICE file is to be used for *required* third-party
notices" (my emphasis).

Again, if that is the case that we are required to do it that way, then
we can end the discussion. However, it is not clear what the additional
burden it places other than to carry around a longer NOTICE file.
To the contrary, the NOTICE file will become considerably smaller since
it only contains a fraction of what's in there right now.

The additional burden is in deciding whether to include the 3rd party
inclusion in the NOTICE file or not and adding it there.

Oh well. Hoops. Jump.

I guess we all better start investigating which of our dependencies have
legal requirements.
I agree that this is a tedious job, but it is a required one -- in so
far as I understand the processes.

So, Felix, since you appear to be the expert here :-), perhaps you can
help us take the next steps down this road.
Well, I would definitely not call me an expert here; I just have had my
fingers clapped (see above mail reference) ;-)

I would think along these lines: We use your proposed template as the
basis for future README files. In the NOTICE file we have the required
four lines (as proposed by Guillaume we might use the Remote Resources
plugin for this) plus the required attributions only.

So, perhaps someone can help us get set up using the plugin and see that it will work for us.

In the README files we list everything we agree to:

   * Project name
   * Copyright and license reference
   * All 3rd party stuff included in the binary/source releases
   * 3rd party stuff we depend on (like the OSGi API for example)
   * Links to issue tracking, documentation, mailing lists
   * ....

This is pretty much free format. And we might even declare the presence
of the README file a must in any distributable.

I am not looking for more crap^H^H^H^Hinformation to put in the README...minimal is best IMO.

-> richard

The NOTICE file will turn out to be much smaller -- mostly only
containing the minimal four lines.


->  richard

-Bertrand (from the peanuts gallery)

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