>> Please take a look at the proof of concept (both the intermediate and
>> release code) before making these kinds of statements.
>> I'd like to, but you admitted yourself that it has quite an initial
> overhead to set up. Could you perhaps set up an online demo where one can
> observe a running system? Or a download of the compiled application? At
> least that's what I did for the AMD approach:

Excellent idea. Here is the full Flash version (+ view source) and
both the 'intermediate' and 'release' output of the proof of concept:


A bit of view source will show you why I've been saying what I've been
saying. The 'getting started' page for the Closure Tools, as its name
implies, only covers the basics. There is, however, a bit more to the
story, as you can see ;-)

I'm looking forward to seeing the Falcon implementation of your
AMD/RequireJS ideas and it's output, so we can compare the various
suggested approaches on their technical merits as well as their
theoretical underpinnings.


Ix Multimedia Software

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