
> I'm having an awfully difficult time getting the source working in Flash 
> Builder. 
Either use the installer [1] or use the  
ide/flashbuilder/makeApacheFlexForFlashBuilder script to package up an SDK so 
it can be used for Flash Builder.

> Also, why does it need 11.1 rather than 10.2 or so? Is that really necessary?
You can use FP 10.2, just be aware that it has not been fully tested and you 
may run into some issues using newer feature like mobile controls. No issues 
have been reported as yet. 

If you're on OSX look at the scripts in the ide directory 
checkAlPlayPlayerGlobals.sh (download and check all player globals) and 
setFlashPlayerVerion.sh (set Flash Player version), otherwise edit the 
flex-config.xml file and change the Flash Player and swf version numbers.


1 http://flex.apache.org/installer.html

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