On 3/24/13 9:42 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>> The fact he had to change all of those SDK files was a first clue that this
>> could impact third-parties.
> Another possibility (possibly a little less useful but 100% 3rd party
> compatible) is to leave the interface as it was before (perhaps with the new
> method commented out to indicate it exists) and keep the new methods?
That's a possibility, or create a utility class that implements that method.
I doubt there is significant performance gains by implementing it over and
over again in several places.

Really, the documentation for that method should come with a warning that it
does a linear search and that for large data sets, some other mechanism
should be used to remove items.  I don't write real applications like you
folks do, but I would first make sure that I absolutely needed a method like
this.  For example, if you are deleting an object selected from a List, you
already have the selectedIndex.  Or if you know something about the data and
its sort order, you can sometimes know to start at the end and work

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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