> someone who does use the pbj's will grab the nightly and complain.

I don't understand. 
Why would someone complain if the pbj's are in the nightly? 

[From the other emai]
>Apache repos aren't supposed to contain compiled code.  The pbj files were 
>removed during the initial release audit.
>I don't think a workaround can involve checking in the pbj files.  But we 
>could borrow them from a prior release package temporarily. 

>So we could make the compilation conditional on a env parameter,  and 
>set that in the Jenkins job accordingly?
>Yes but ...

Alex, the conversation is getting out synch, so I am not sure that I have 
understood what you said.

So can we include the pbj in the repo, and have a parameter to conditionally 
compile the pbj ? 
- This parameter would be set by default to do the compilation (so that folks 
can recompile)
- and turned off on the b.a.o vm, with pre-compiled pbj's.


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