>Thicker still, I found this:

Good find Alex. I didn't realize the UI was checked in here. This looks like 
the original version checked in by Alistair on August 15th, 2008. I think we 
can use this repo as part of our reference.

>Mike, can you validate that the list of files on Adobe svn is in fact the 
>source for FlexUnit1Lib and is it also the same set of files that was the 
>starting point for FlexUnit4?  

This is the actual source of the FlexUnit1 lib. It's just a tag instead of the 

I will verify if AbstractRowData is in the actual SWC for us just for good 
measure, but I think it's fair to assume some of these files are. Now, to be 
clear, this isn't really the starting point for FlexUnit4 at all. However, some 
of these files are the starting point for the FlexUnit4 subproject, 
affectionately called the UIListener. It should be noted that none of these are 
needed to deploy FlexUnit4 for use with CI or any IDE. This code is _only_ used 
as a separate UI for those running from command line or web browser. I bring up 
that point as we could release a version of FlexUnit without the UI runner. 
This code is for an add on project contributed by Adobe but not intrinsic to 

>Then I think that would be the list for #1 unless Adobe folks contributed 
>other files after that point.

The link I sent earlier to google code shows that Xavi, then an Adobe employee, 
contributed the code in the branch I mention above to the google code 
repository and continued to modify it. I am bringing that up as the code in the 
repo above is not the last code touched by Adobe in some capacity. So, to see 
the last code touched by Adobe, one needs to look here



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