I wanted to add two things related to squiggly, in order of importance:

1. (Sorry if I'm stating the obvious:) There are two versions of the
class SpellUI.as - one of flex projects and one for projects which
don't include the Flex framework. We had a big problem when we tried
to compile the project (using the ant script at the time - they were
exactly the versions donated by Adobe, I'm sure things changed since
then), because it used external-library-path instead of
include-libraries to compile, which meant that instead of keeping the
SpellUI for flex projects, which we needed, it kept the one for
projects without Flex. Using include-libraries fixed it.

Even if this is not a problem anymore, it might be worth adding a new
step to the release verification process to create a project without
Flex and make sure that squiggly works well, and the same for a Flex

2. There is a memory leak in both version of SpellUI.as[1]. I won't
have time to fix it anytime soon, but in case anyone has some free
time on their hands, it could be useful to release without the leak.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-34421

On 2 September 2014 02:29, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Don't know if it is a blocker. I can ask legal. I'm just wondering if the 
>> current text properly indicates the permissive license for English.
> I really don't think you need to ask legal again but if you really feel you 
> need to go ahead. We as a PMC should be able to decide, and in it's 
> discovered later we've made a mistake we can correct it. Worse case it will 
> be "fixed" in the next release anyway.
> We're talking about changes to a README (not LICENSE or NOTICE) for something 
> that isn't even in the release. The user can download any dictionary they 
> choose (which come under a variety of licenses) we have no control over that.
> Thanks,
> Justin

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