I hope so. But from what I remember (and I wasn't the main developer
dealing with this), the flex version of the project depended on
classes inside the non-flex version, which means that if the wrong
compiler argument was used, it would also replace the flex-SpellUI
with the non-flex-SpellUI. But again, things may have changed a lot
since then.

On 2 September 2014 11:38, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Even if this is not a problem anymore, it might be worth adding a new
>> step to the release verification process to create a project without
>> Flex and make sure that squiggly works well, and the same for a Flex
>> project.
> I think this is just a matter of including the right swcs and not all of them?
> Thanks,
> Justin

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