Thorsten Scherler wrote:
BTW if we do so I guess I will not even attend the conference but only
meet up with the people of the forrest community. I cannot understand
why committers do not get discounts for the conference and having to pay
the fee by myself it is just *too* much money. It is a petty but who can
spend 800¤ + traveling cost + ...

Those contributing to the conference *directly* get an exceptionally good deal, far better than I could possibly have hoped for.

My background is in academic conferences, in these instances even speakers pay a full registration fee, so this is a major improvement in my eyes. The ASF have to find ways of paying for all the physical infrastructure and other overheads that it has, this conference is one of those ways.

I understand your frustration, all I can say is propose a session next time. You will be ecstatic with the deal you get then.

No back to the point:

Since we cannot get a room at the conference for non-delegates (which again is understandable because they have to be paid for somehow) we need to find an alternative.

We could check out if any of the hotels have a room we would be able to use. Once I know where I am staying I can look into that.

Does anyone in the area know of any other possabilities?


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