Gester, I don't think we need to write in the old format, we just need the
new format not to be written while old members can potentially read the
lucene files.  Option 1 can be very similar to Dan's snippet of code.

I think Option 2 is going to leave a lot of people unhappy when they get
stuck with what Mario is experiencing right now and all we can say is "you
should have read the doc". Not to say Option 2 isn't valid and it's
definitely the least amount of work to do, I still vote option 1.

On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 5:16 PM Xiaojian Zhou <> wrote:

> Usually re-creating region and index are expensive and customers are
> reluctant to do it, according to my memory.
> We do have an offline reindex scripts or steps (written by Barry?). If that
> could be an option, they can try that offline tool.
> I saw from Mario's email, he said: "I didn't found a way to write lucene in
> older format. They only support
> reading old format indexes with newer version by using lucene-backward-
> codec."
> That's why I think option-1 is not feasible.
> Option-2 will cause the queue to be filled. But usually customer will hold
> on, silence or reduce their business throughput when
> doing rolling upgrade. I wonder if it's a reasonable assumption.
> Overall, after compared all the 3 options, I still think option-2 is the
> best bet.
> Regards
> Gester
> On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 3:38 PM Jacob Barrett <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > On Nov 6, 2019, at 3:36 PM, Jason Huynh <> wrote:
> > >
> > > Jake - there is a side effect to this in that the user would have to
> > > reimport all their data into the user defined region too.  Client apps
> > > would also have to know which of the regions to put into.. also, I may
> be
> > > misunderstanding this suggestion, completely.  In either case, I'll
> > support
> > > whoever implements the changes :-P
> >
> > Ah… there isn’t a way to re-index the existing data. Eh… just a thought.
> >
> > -Jake
> >
> >

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