Jacek Laskowski wrote:
Jakob Færch (Trifork) wrote:

I guess I'm in dire need of some help with the (new?) build process.

Hi Jakob,

It seems that the new build process is a very hot topic recently. It's not yet described in the wiki and thus scratching your head is of a little help when in trouble ;)

I'll just continue working with the jetty-j2ee distribution I managed to build yesterday.

I tried running maven m:default in the source root, but that didn't
produce anything in ~/.maven/repository/distributions.

Why did you do that at all?

I wish I was able to provide an answer to that :-)

I copied the dependency on the javamail-spec from the "main" project.pom.
The one in sandbox/adventurebuilder seemed to inherit a
geronimo_spec_javamail_version=1.0 from etc/project.properties which
isn't healthy anymore.

Why? I thought that 1.0 is the latest version of any spec.

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it seems related to the change of groupid to org.apache.geronimo on the specs. The following is in the sandbox/adventurebuilder/project.xml now:
but the only version my repository contained was called something like 1.3.1-rc6.
The following snippet seems to comply with what is build by maven new:
(not that I get why 1.3.1 is hardcoded into the artifactId).

While trying to distribute the application (running maven -o in
sandbox/adventurebuilder) the deployer doesn't seem to recognize the
--offline option. This might be caused by my tinkering around with the
distribution files, so I guess I'd try to fix the above first.

I remember very vaguely that offline might not work. Try starting a server and distribute then.

I'll try to fiddle a little with the maven.xml script and start a server before deploying. I wasn't able to do it yesterday (couldn't get the deployer.jar to recognize the user and password options), but it seems the other sample apps use the maven deploy goal. I'll try if that works better.

Absolutely right. You'd be better off doing it online so that you won't have to build Geronimo yourself and download necessary dependencies as needed.

Perhaps all that is needed is some maven dependency, but I have
not been able to figure out which.

Take a look at samples and copy necessary parts. It hasn't changed much, I hope.

I'll defer getting the dependencies to work; <http://cvs.apache.org/repository/geronimo/distributions/> doesn't seem to have any recent builds, so I'm not sure there would be anything interesting for Maven to download.


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