On Jan 18, 2007, at 6:12 AM, Hernan Cunico wrote:

it may sound weird asking this now but I'm either creating JIRAs the wrong way or we are not displaying the all the info in http:// issues.apache.org/jira/browse/geronimo (or I just don't know how to read it)

On the JIRA front page for GERONIMO you can see open issues due to be fixed per version. When I create a JIRA for a specific version I normally specify the "affected version" (let's say 2.0-M2) in the *Affects Version/s:* box and leave the *Fix Version/s:* empty as I don't really know for sure when that issue is going to be fixed unless I am the assignee.

This issue I just created does not get listed (counted actually) for that particular version in the project's JIRA home page.

Is this query is automatically provided by JIRA or we can customize it to show the affected version instead? At this particular point in time the actual setting show 5 open issues, if we could change it to affected versions it would show 16.

Does this make any sense at all?

Again, it might be just me not really understanding how to use JIRAs.

Comments appreciated

I think that Jira is working correctly as is. It should not show up on the radar, http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/geronimo, until someone makes a commitment to fixing it for a particular release at which time the issue gets assigned "Fix Version/s". If you look at the description below the Versions column on the home page you will see "with open issues due to be fixed per version". This indicates that someone has made a commitment to complete the issue for that version.

You can make your own personal report and add it to your personalized portal page.


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