On Feb 9, 2008, at 10:11 AM, Peter Petersson wrote:

Hi all

Thank you Kevan for bringing this to the table. Just to make sure everybody is clear on what the roller-mysql-database plugin dose, or more to the point dose not do. Jarek is exactly right when he says that the plugin dosen't actually include or distribute the mysql driver but it dose however automatically download the driver if it is not already present in the geronimo repository.

As this automatic non user interaction convenience of the plugin, that dose not in a clear way tell the user what he/she is about to do (licence way) is the issue I would like to know if we have a consensus on using prerequsite in the plugin configuration (on the mysql driver being loaded beforehand) to satisfactory handle the licensing issue ?

If I understand Kevan right a prerequisite on the driver would satisfy things so my suggestion (although I am just slightly involved in the roller plugin project and not in the PMC) would be to modify the plugin accordingly and reinstate it in the roller plugin assembly (as it is now it is disabled) what is your take on this?

Hi Peter,
Thanks for your note. Your suggestion is certainly welcome. I did not mean to imply (and hope that it wasn't taken this way) that only PMC members should participate in this discussion. I only meant that the PMC had responsibilities to insure we reached a satisfactory solution.

If we have consensus on this what would be a feasible text to put in the prerequisite section ?

I think some of the text that I put in the pom.xml could be reworded slightly and would be ok...

Although using prerequisite to fix this is (or may be) a available and viable option It would IMHO (although I don't know if it would satisfy the ASF Licensing Policy(?)) be more feasible (in cases like this) to somehow make the user aware of the licence statement and give him/here the option, after reading the licence (or what ever is necessary to satisfy the parties), to cancel the installation if he/ she so chooses.

IMO, this would be satisfactory, also. Great even... As long as the user is properly informed of the licensing implications of his or her actions.


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