I applied this patch with some text changes and think the result is OK as far as legal issues.

I tried to make the msyql-connector-java jar an optional dependency but maven insists on downloading it anyway. If we can prevent this I'd prefer it. The only reason for the dependency is so it gets copied into the plugin dependency list.

The README now says:

Roller with MySql Licensing:

MySQL is Licensed under the GPL license: http://www.mysql.com/company/ legal/licensing/ and also under a FLOSS exception: http://www.mysql.com/company/legal/ licensing/foss-exception.html.

Neither of these license terms are compatible with the goals of the ASF.

The mysql-connector-java jar should not be needed to build the roller- mysql-database plugin (it is marked as an optional dependency) but for unknown reasons it is currently downloaded during the build. The only purpose of including the dependency in the pom is to get it
into the geronimo plugin dependency list.

The mysql-connector-java jar is listed as a prerequisite of the roller-mysql-database plugin. This has the effect of requiring the user to install the mysql jar themselves into their geronimo server before installing the roller-mysql-database plugin. The licensing issues
are explained in text in the prerequisite specification.

Roller with MySql Setup:
At any time you can start using mysql as database back-end by installing the roller-mysql plugin module. Before installing the roller-mysql plugin create a empty mysql database called 'roller' with the user 'roller' and password 'roller'. After installing the roller-mysql plugin you may need to restart roller for the database change to take effect this can be done from
Geronimos console via "Application" -->> "Web App WARs".

The description of the prerequisite, which appears in the console when you try to install the plugin, reads:

This module requires the mysql connector to be present in the Geronimo repository. MySQL is Licensed under the GPL license: http://www.mysql.com/company/legal/licensing/ MySQL is also available under a FLOSS exception: http://www.mysql.com/company/legal/licensing/foss- exception.html. The FLOSS exception only be applied to MySQL when it is used under an OSI-approved license.

Neither of these licenses are compatible with the goals of the Apache Software Foundation. Thus, we cannot let the MySQL roller plugin automaticaly download the connector for you. How ever if either of the above license terms are acceptable to you, you may download the connector into the Geronimo repository yourself and re-select/install this module to enable roller with a mysql connector.

I checked that the console plugin installer worked properly and it clearly prevents you from installing the plugin with mysql-connector- jar missing and you can see the prerequisite description. You also can't install it using the gshell list-plugins command but it is a lot harder to tell that it didn't install and the description is not presented.

david jencks

On Feb 10, 2008, at 10:08 AM, Peter Petersson wrote:

Kevan Miller wrote:
I created a Jira to handle licensing issues involving the inclusion of MySQL in the roller-mysql-database plugin. See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-3816
A patch that may resolve this issue have been posted to https:// issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-3816

 Peter P

I've insured that we will no longer build the roller-mysql- database plugin in our source code. However, there are multiple ways of handling this problem. Would like to hear opinions from the project. Ultimately, it's the PMC's responsibility to oversee the licensing of our distributions and to oversee the way we handle dependencies on artifacts that are covered by excluded licenses.

The ASF Licensing Policy (currently it's a draft policy, but I think we should be following the guidelines documented there) are located here -- http://www.apache.org/legal/3party.html

Discussion of how to handle Prohibited Works is here -- http:// people.apache.org/~rubys/3party.html#options

Would be good for the project (in particular PMC) members to be familiar with these issues. Would like to hear how we think we should address this issue. As long as I feel the PMC is providing appropriate oversight, I'm happy with what ever decision we reach.


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