Joe Bohn wrote:

We have the following branches in samples:
- geronimo/samples/branches/1.0
Newly added for the migration samples. We'll see what happens with this branch. We don't have the other 1.0 samples (were there any?) checked in.

There were some samples apps for 1.0 scattered all across the doc but it would 
take a lot of time to dig them up.

- geronimo/samples/branches/2.0
This includes the samples for the 2.0.* server stream. It includes jsp-examples and servlet-examples but those are not the ones that we released with the 2.0.x releases which are included with the server at We need to keep the branch but I'm wondering if we should remove the jsp & servlet examples from it since the "real" copies are in the tagged server svn repos.

- geronimo/samples/branches/2.0-M2
I'm not sure why this branch is around. I think it was an initial experiment for the archetype as it contains just that and the calculator-stateless-pojo example. I think this branch should be deleted.

- geronimo/samples/branches/2.1
This was created when the 2.1 server was released. We need this for the 2.1 stream and I think we need to release this soon. This brings up another question ... Do we release the 2.1 samples (like we did for server) and keep a branch for 2.1.x-SNAPSHOT or do we just release the samples and assert that if something breaks the samples it should not be included in a subsequent 2.1.x server release?

- geronimo/samples/trunk
Current trunk for 2.2 (just like the server trunk). Definitely need to keep this and ensure that appropriate changes are reflected from 2.1.

One last thought never discussed so far. Most of the sample apps we are 
planning to move to svn+ was contributed from many different folks, most of 
them not committers.
How are we going to deal with this issue? JIRAs will be required for 
contributing and maintaining these samples. I'm afraid this will expand to the 
corresponding documentation as well.

Although I see the benefit of having the samples on svn I also realize we will be adding 
some "obstacles" for contributing. Today, anybody can chime in the doc and work 
some samples out.

I think we should discuss this more in detail as well.


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