On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  5) Should we make all samples plugins?  At the moment the jsp-examples,
>  servlet-examples, and ldap-sample-app are plugins.  The other 12 samples
>  are not. I'd be in favor of creating a plugin for each and will work on
>  doing this unless I hear objections.

I created plugins for all the samples in trunk only. I tested most of
them on jetty only so I would appreciate people trying them on Tomcat.
The samples that require database you will still need to follow the
directions in the sample wiki to create the database and the tables.
I'm actaully still debating if I should add in the gbean to the ear
descriptors to create the databases automatically or not (any thoughts
on that?). I also published all the samples so you should be able to
install the plugins remotely using
http://geronimo.apache.org/plugins/geronimo-2.2/ repo.
Once the plugins look good to everyone we can merge them into branches/2.1.


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