I am supportive of Erik's suggestion. I am absolutely against a process involving the submission of an iCLA.

Is a checkbox really required? Isn't a disclaimer enough to protect IP rights?


On 17/04/2008, at 4:01 AM, Jason Warner wrote:
I'd be more inclined to do something akin to what Erik suggested. I'm concerned that the process to gain access to editing the wiki would deter many of the people that add a page here and there that describes something they've done. A number of our contributions come from people who are just making a one time edit. I can't imagine many of them would go through the effort to gain contributor access to add a single page.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 1:57 PM, Erik B. Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I agree that we definitely need to address IP issues around documentation/the wiki... but isn't there any way to accomplish this without adding barriers to users editing content? Can we do something like wikipedia does for editing content where there is a checkbox or a notice or something saying "You agree to license your contributions under the Apache Software License" (similar to how JIRA is currently)

Erik B. Craig

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:00 AM, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To properly protect the IP rights of our Wiki-based documentation, we need to stop allowing unrestricted write access to our Wiki. Wiki contributors should be required to have an ICLA on file with the ASF. I also think that we need to hold a PMC vote before granting this access.

I'll also take this opportunity to remind the community that Wiki updates are sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] These updates need to be reviewed by the community, just like all code updates.

IMO, we don't want this to be a heavy-weight process. We don't want there to be a significant hurdle to contributing documentation. For code updates, patch files attached to Jira's with the "Grant license to ASF" button checked takes care of these IP concerns. To my knowledge, there's no patch file equivalent for updates to a Wiki. We could require that documentation updates be contributed in the form of simple ascii text files that are attached to a Jira. This would address our IP concerns, but is not ideal IMO.

To keep this as light-weight as possible, I propose we formalize the concept of "contributor". A contributor would have write access to our Wiki documentation as well as the ability to assign Jira's to him/herself.

I think the process would go something like this...

0. Reset write access to our wiki to be only the current set of committers on the project.

1. New documentation contributions from non-committers/contributors must be submitted via a Jira, with the "Grant License to the ASF" box checked. This is just like any code/bug-fix submission.

2. Once a new participant has expressed interest in contributing to the project and/or has contributed documentation or bug fixes, a PMC vote will be called to grant the new participant "contributor" rights. As all PMC votes, this vote is a majority vote, require a minimum of 3 +1 votes, and will last for a minimum of 72 hours.

3. Once a vote has passed, the participant will be invited to join the project as a 'contributor'. Assuming he/she accepts, the participant must then submit an ICLA to the ASF. Once the ICLA is on file, the new 'contributor' will give given write access to our wiki and the ability to assign Jira's.

4. The new contributor will be announced to the community.

I've grouped Jira rights with wiki rights in the above. This is not strictly necessary, but grouping the two seems like a reasonable step.

This is my first pass at a proposal. We can tweak this process in a number of ways and there are alternatives. I think the hard requirements are 1) the PMC must vote and 2) an ICLA must be filed with the ASF.

Until we resolve this issue, we need to restrict Wiki write access to be the current set of Geronimo committers.


~Jason Warner

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